1. Preamble [Careful Reading] Before clicking to agree to this agreement in the registration process, it is essential to read this agreement carefully. Please read and fully understand each clause, especially those in bold and underlined, indicating exemptions or limitations of liability, applicable laws, and dispute resolution terms.

[Contractual Action] By providing the required information, reading, and agreeing to this agreement during the registration process, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted all the terms of this agreement. This action establishes a mutual agreement between you and INFSHOPS, making you a "User" of INFSHOPS services. If you disagree with any terms of this agreement, please stop the registration process immediately. Once you use INFSHOPS services, it signifies that you comprehend and fully agree to all the terms outlined in this service agreement, making you an INFSHOPS user.

[Legal Capacity] You confirm possessing the legal capacity and competency required by the jurisdiction you belong to, as a natural person, legal entity, or any other organization, capable of independently assuming civil responsibilities. The terms of this agreement are not subject to exclusion based on your country or region. If you are a user outside mainland China, your actions in forming or executing this agreement and using the services should not violate the laws and regulations of your country or region. Any resulting issues are solely your responsibility and not attributable to INFSHOPS.

2. Account Terms (a) Account Registration [Registration] To access and use our services, you must register an INFSHOPS account, providing necessary information as prompted on the registration page, including your email. Upon reading and agreeing to this agreement and completing the registration process, you will obtain an INFSHOPS account, becoming a user.

[Truthful Information] You must authenticate your account with genuine personal information, and the information provided must not include illegal or inappropriate content. INFSHOPS reserves the right to reject registration upon risk assessment. After registration, if any unlawful or inappropriate information is discovered, INFSHOPS may take corrective measures without notice, including deadline corrections, usage suspension, or account termination.

[Commercial Activity] You acknowledge that your purpose in using INFSHOPS services is for commercial activities, not personal, family, or household purposes. You are solely responsible for creating and operating your INFSHOPS store.

[Account Usage Responsibility] You are responsible for all activities and content generated using your account, including but not limited to uploading and publishing product information, sales, logistics, and any related actions. If any violations or infringements of the terms or third-party rights occur during your account usage, INFSHOPS may terminate your services.

[Communication] INFSHOPS will primarily communicate with you using the email provided during account creation or later updated in the product. Monitoring and maintaining the functionality of this email address are your responsibilities, as all communication from INFSHOPS can only be verified through your primary account email address.

2. Account Activation (a) Store Owner [Designated Account Holder] As per the provisions in Section 2(a), the individual registering the account will be the signatory party ("Store Owner") to our User Agreement. The Store Owner is authorized to utilize all functionalities of the store, and the account may be provided to service providers related to store services. It is your responsibility to ensure that the name of the store owner, including the legal name of the company owning the store if applicable, is clearly visible on the store's website.

If you register the service on behalf of an employer, your employer should be the store owner. In such cases, you must use the email address issued by the employer and declare and guarantee that you have the authority to bind your employer to comply with our service terms.

Your INFSHOPS store can only be associated with one store owner, although the store owner may have multiple INFSHOPS stores. "Store" refers to the online store or physical retail store associated with the account.

[Employee Accounts] Based on the INFSHOPS package you subscribe to, you can create one or more employee accounts ("Employee Accounts") to allow others access to the account. Using employee accounts, the store owner can set permissions and authorize others to work within their account, while specifying the level of access to specific business information for employee accounts (e.g., restricting access to sales information on the reports page or preventing changes to general store settings by employee accounts).

The store owner is responsible for the consequences of actions taken by employee accounts, including negligence or breaches committed by those employee accounts.

Both store owners and users under employee accounts are referred to as "Users."

INFSHOPS provides a 7-day trial period for newly created stores, during which no subscription fees are required. However, you are still responsible for transactions that occur during the trial period. If your transaction fees exceed a certain amount during the trial period or if you choose a paid subscription, you must pay the generated bill before continuing to use store functions.

3. General Provisions

[INFSHOPS User Eligibility] INFSHOPS provides technical support services exclusively to registered merchants who have become users of INFSHOPS.

[Exclusion of UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods] This User Agreement will exclude the applicability of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

[Lawful Use and Compliance] You may not use INFSHOPS services for any illegal or unauthorized purposes, nor may you violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws) or the laws applicable in the jurisdiction of your customers. In utilizing and fulfilling your obligations under this service agreement, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

[Restrictions on Use] You agree not to copy, plagiarize, sell, resell, or exploit any part of this service, use the service, or access the service without the express written permission of INFSHOPS.

[Restrictions on Advertising Keywords and Domain Names] You may not purchase search engine or other pay-per-click keywords (such as Google Ads) or use domain names that include INFSHOPS or its trademarks and/or variations and misspellings.

[Transmission of Information] You acknowledge that your information (excluding credit card information) may be transmitted without encryption, involving (a) transmission across various networks and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during network transmission.

[Privacy Policy Compliance] You recognize and agree that your use of the services (including information transmitted or stored by INFSHOPS) is subject to the Privacy Policy

[Severability] If any provision or portion of a provision of this agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the service agreement (or the unaffected portion of the provision).

4. Rights of INFSHOPS

[Modification or Termination of Services] INFSHOPS reserves the right to modify or terminate services for any reason. However, INFSHOPS does not guarantee the provision of all services and features in every jurisdiction, nor does it have an obligation to provide any service or feature in any jurisdiction.

[Material Violations and Account Suspension/Termination] If INFSHOPS discovers that the products or services offered through your store or materials uploaded or published to the store violate INFSHOPS' rules or local laws and regulations, we may (but are not obligated to) remove the material and suspend or terminate your account.

[Immediate Termination for Abuse] Any form of verbal or written abuse (including threatening, insulting, or retaliatory actions) directed at INFSHOPS customers or employees will result in immediate account termination.

[Content Screening and Removal] INFSHOPS does not pre-screen materials (and is not obligated to do so), but reserves the right to refuse or remove infringing or violating materials from the service (including your store) based on its rules or local laws and regulations.

[Competition and Exclusive Rights] INFSHOPS reserves the right to provide services to your competitors and does not promise exclusivity in any specific market segment.

[Dispute over Account Ownership] In cases of disputes over account ownership, INFSHOPS reserves the right to request documents to determine or confirm account ownership. Documents may include, but are not limited to, scanned copies of your business license, government-issued photo identification, the last four digits of credit card records, and proof of employment as an entity's employee.

[Transfer of Account Ownership] INFSHOPS reserves the right to determine the legitimate ownership of an account and transfer the account to the rightful owner at its discretion. If we cannot reasonably determine the legitimate owner, and without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, INFSHOPS reserves the right to temporarily disable the account until both disputing parties reach a mutual agreement.

5. Confidentiality Agreement

The term "Confidential Information" shall encompass, but not be limited to, any and all information related to the business of either party that is not publicly known, including specific business information, technical processes and formulas, software, customer lists, potential customer lists, names, addresses, and other related information of customers and potential customers, product designs, sales, costs (including any associated processing fees), price lists, and other undisclosed financial information, business plans, and marketing data, as well as any other confidential and proprietary information, whether marked as confidential or proprietary. INFSHOPS' confidential information includes all information not publicly known that you receive concerning us or our services, including information related to our security plans and practices.

The parties agree to use each other's Confidential Information only in the performance of the obligations set forth in this service agreement and any other obligations under this agreement (including Section 6). The parties agree to take all reasonable measures, at least equivalent to those taken to protect their own proprietary information, to prevent the reproduction, disclosure, or use of any such confidential information, except under the following circumstances: (i) by its employees, agents, and subcontractors who need to access such confidential information to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, and they shall treat such confidential information in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and each of them shall be subject to confidentiality obligations at least as strict as those set forth in this agreement; or (ii) as required by any law, regulation, or order of any court having proper jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this service agreement. If permitted by law, the receiving party shall promptly provide written notice to the disclosing party and make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that such disclosure is treated confidentially. Confidential information shall not include information that the receiving party can demonstrate: (A) was already in the public domain at the time of disclosure or has become public knowledge or was known or possessed by the receiving party; (B) was independently developed by the receiving party without reference or use of the disclosing party's confidential information and without violating any provisions of this service agreement; or (C) was subsequently obtained by the receiving party from a source other than the disclosing party and without violating any provisions of this service agreement.

6. Scope of Liability

You understand and agree that INFSHOPS shall not be liable for damages arising from the following situations, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses:

1.Suspension, interruption, or termination of providing the services or any part thereof to you and removal of your data due to your violation of the terms of this agreement and legal requirements.

2.Suspension or termination of the use of the retail store (including but not limited to taking measures such as canceling transactions and adjusting funds in the store) and refusal to provide you with some or all of the functions of this service, upon discovering abnormal transactions or your violation of legal regulations or provisions of this agreement.

[Disclaimer for System Interruption or Failure] INFSHOPS shall not be liable for damages compensation in the event of system failure or interruption due to the following circumstances:

1.System maintenance during the announced downtime on the INFSHOPS official website.

2.Telecommunication equipment failure preventing data transmission.

3.Uncontrollable factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks, or other force majeure events causing system obstacles in INFSHOPS and preventing the execution of business.

4.Service interruption or delay caused by adjustments or failures of third-party communication institutions, technical issues, or payment structure problems.

[Disclaimer for Special Circumstances] INFSHOPS shall not be held liable for the following situations:

1.Service unavailability not due to INFSHOPS' statutory fault.

2.Loss suffered by any third party due to your actions.

3.Consequences arising from your failure to make timely payments, resulting in the unavailability of the service or errors in the service. You shall bear all consequences arising from this.

You acknowledge that the risk of using INFSHOPS services is your own responsibility. The services are provided on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis, without any express, implied, or statutory warranties or conditions.

INFSHOPS does not guarantee the quality of any products, services, information, or other materials you purchase or obtain through the services to meet your expectations.

7. Severability of the Agreement

Failure by INFSHOPS to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this service agreement does not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. If any provision of the service agreement, including all terms and conditions and documents referenced herein, is found by a court with jurisdiction to be invalid under the law, it shall be modified and interpreted to the maximum extent permitted by law to best achieve the objectives of the original provision, and the remaining provisions of the service agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

These terms of the agreement, including documents incorporated by reference, constitute the entire agreement between you and INFSHOPS and govern your use of the services and your account, superseding any prior agreements between you and INFSHOPS (including but not limited to any prior versions of the service terms).

8. Intellectual Property Agreement

INFSHOPS may occasionally promote your brand, and you automatically authorize INFSHOPS to use your brand, trademarks, etc., for display and promotion on INFSHOPS and affiliated company websites, promotional materials, media channels, and other pages and materials. However, INFSHOPS shall not use them in a manner detrimental to your brand.

You shall ensure that patents, trademarks, names, unique identifiers, decorations, trade secrets, images, etc., related to the products have obtained legal authorization or licenses for sale according to legal regulations or contract agreements. Since INFSHOPS may promote and endorse merchant products, you agree to grant INFSHOPS the right to use related intellectual property for the purposes under this agreement. This authorization is free and non-exclusive.

INFSHOPS or its affiliates own, use, license, control, or have other rights to all intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, and proprietary rights. If you need to use them, you can apply to INFSHOPS through the official channels. Without the written consent of INFSHOPS or its affiliated companies, no one may unauthorizedly use, modify, copy, publicly disseminate, alter, distribute, publish, or publicly disclose the programs or content on the INFSHOPS website. You shall not maliciously apply and register trademarks, names, logos, signs, WeChat public accounts, domains, web pages, etc., that are the same or similar to INFSHOPS and its affiliated companies for conducting business identical or similar to INFSHOPS.

If you violate the provisions of this clause and cause losses to INFSHOPS and/or its affiliated companies, you shall compensate for all losses, eliminate adverse effects on INFSHOPS and/or its affiliated companies, and INFSHOPS has the right to request third-party payment companies to take measures such as restricting the withdrawal of store funds, directly deducting compensation from your store funds, and has the right to immediately terminate this agreement.

INFSHOPS supports the protection of intellectual property rights and requires INFSHOPS merchants to do the same. If someone believes that one of our users is infringing on their intellectual property, they can send a notification to the designated email address of INFSHOPS: Upon receiving the notice, we may remove or prohibit access to materials claimed to be infringing copyright. Upon receiving a removal notice, if the merchant opposes the complaint, they can send us a counter-notification. After receiving the counter-notification, the original complainant has 14 working days to apply for a court order to prohibit the merchant from engaging in infringing activities. Otherwise, we will restore the materials.

9. Theme Style Stores

You can choose a design template from INFSHOPS' Theme Style Stores ("Theme Style") to establish the appearance of your INFSHOPS store. If you select a theme, you are only authorized to use it in one store. If you close your first store, you are free to transfer a theme to your second store. If you wish to transfer a theme to your second store, please contact INFSHOPS support.

The intellectual property rights of the theme style belong to its designer. If you exceed the rights granted by the purchase of the theme style, the designer may take legal action against you. Without affecting our other rights or remedies, INFSHOPS may take measures such as modifying your store or closing your store

10. Email Services

You may use the INFSHOPS email services ("Email Services") to generate or send emails from your account. In addition to the terms applicable to the general services (including INFSHOPS' privacy policy), the following terms apply to your access and use of the Email Services:

1.Content Scan: Before you use the Email Services to send emails, INFSHOPS will employ content scanning measures ("Content Scan") to review their content. This scanning is designed to limit malicious content, such as spam, phishing, or other threats that violate the terms of this agreement or INFSHOPS rules. By using the Email Services, you explicitly authorize INFSHOPS to perform Content Scans, but you are responsible for all content generated by your store.

2.Compliance with Requirements: If you generate or send emails through the Email Services, you agree to comply with the Email Services requirements set by INFSHOPS. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the suspension or termination of your access to and use of the Email Services by your store or its third-party providers.

3.Legal Compliance: Your use of the Email Services must comply with all applicable laws. Examples of applicable laws include those related to spam or unsolicited commercial emails ("UCE"), privacy, security, obscenity, defamation, intellectual property, pornography, terrorism, homeland security, gambling, child protection, and other relevant laws. You are responsible for understanding and adhering to the legal requirements applicable to your use of the Email Services and the emails generated or sent through them.

4.Privacy Policy: Your use of the Email Services must comply with INFSHOPS' privacy policy. You are responsible for reading and understanding the privacy policy applicable to your use of the Email Services and the emails generated or sent through them.

5.Sensitive Data: You will make commercially reasonable efforts not to send sensitive personal data, including information about an individual's medical or health condition, race or ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or other sensitive data ("Sensitive Data") through INFSHOPS' Email Services. You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with your obligations regarding Sensitive Data.

11. Payment of Fees

You will pay applicable fees for your subscription to online services ("Subscription Fee"), any other applicable fees, including but not limited to value-related fees for sales made through your store using all payment providers ("Transaction Fees"), and any fees associated with the purchase or use of any products or services, such as apps, themes, expert marketplace, or third-party services ("Additional Fees"). The Subscription Fee, Transaction Fees, and Additional Fees collectively are referred to as "Fees."

You must keep a valid payment method on file within our system to pay all incurred and recurring Fees. INFSHOPS will provide you with multiple payment methods and will charge any applicable Fees to your authorized payment method ("Authorized Payment Method") until the service is terminated, and any and all unpaid Fees have been paid in full. INFSHOPS may use different billing entities based on your chosen payment method and currency.

If your store incurs Subscription Fees or Transaction Fees during the trial period that exceed a certain amount, INFSHOPS will send you a billing statement and deduct the Fees using your Authorized Payment Method.

Subscription Fees are to be paid in advance, and Transaction Fees and Additional Fees will be collected by INFSHOPS at its discretion. INFSHOPS will provide invoices for the Fees paid, sent to you via the provided email.

If we are unable to deduct Fees using your Authorized Payment Method, we will attempt to collect using any Authorized Payment Method within 15 days. If payment is not successful within 15 days, we may suspend and revoke access to your account and services. Your account will be reactivated once you have paid all outstanding Fees and paid the Fees for the next billing cycle. During any suspension, you may be unable to access your account or your store. If unpaid Fees remain after 60 days from the suspension date, INFSHOPS reserves the right to terminate your account.

All Fees do not include applicable federal, state, local, or other government sales, goods and services (including the Goods and Services Tax Act (Chapter 117A) of the Singapore Statutes), and any other taxes, fees, or charges (collectively, "Taxes") now in effect or enacted in the future.

You are responsible for all applicable Taxes incurred or resulting from your subscription or purchase of INFSHOPS products and services, as well as any Taxes arising from transactions or sales activities in your INFSHOPS store.

To avoid doubt, all amounts payable to INFSHOPS under these terms should be paid without any deduction or withholding.

You agree that once you subscribe to INFSHOPS' respective products/services and pay the corresponding Fees, INFSHOPS will not refund the Fees already paid to you due to the suspension, termination of this agreement, or your unilateral withdrawal unless agreed upon in writing by INFSHOPS.

12. Termination of the Agreement

1. Circumstances of Agreement Termination

[User-Initiated Termination] You have the right to terminate this agreement in any of the following ways:

1.By self-closing and deleting your account through the website when meeting the account cancellation conditions posted by INFSHOPS.

2.Ceasing to use and expressly stating your refusal to accept the effective changes before they take effect.

3.Notifying INFSHOPS through email at, requesting account cancellation and deletion, and meeting INFSHOPS termination conditions.

[INFSHOPS-Initiated Termination] INFSHOPS will notify you of the termination of this agreement in the following circumstances:

1.You violate the terms of this agreement, and INFSHOPS terminates the agreement based on the breach clause.

2.You engage in activities such as account theft, posting prohibited information, deceiving others for property, selling counterfeit goods, disrupting market order, or profiting through improper means.

3.Any fees owed by you to INFSHOPS for using the service are not fully paid within the agreed-upon period.

4.In addition to circumstances (1)-(3), you repeatedly violate relevant INFSHOPS regulations with serious consequences.

[Handling After Agreement Termination] After the termination of this agreement, INFSHOPS will cease providing services to you, and you will no longer be able to access your account. Unless required by law, INFSHOPS is not obligated to disclose any information in your account to you or any third party.

Unless otherwise specified in this agreement, INFSHOPS will not be obliged to refund any fees in proportion or by other means.

INFSHOPS has the right to continue storing the information retained in INFSHOPS according to legal requirements. For your past breach of contract, INFSHOPS may still pursue liability based on this agreement.

13. Third-Party Services

You may access, enable, or subscribe to third-party software, applications ("Applications"), products, services, or website links (collectively referred to as "Third-Party Services") through the INFSHOPS App Store or Experts Marketplace. However, these Third-Party Services are contracts entered into between you and the third-party service providers. If any disputes arise from your subscription to Third-Party Services, it is your responsibility to negotiate and resolve them with the third party.

You should be aware that the INFSHOPS App Store or Experts Marketplace only facilitates transactions between you and third-party service providers. It is not a participant in the transactions. INFSHOPS provides technical services for such transactions but does not make any express or implied guarantees regarding the legality, validity, legitimacy of your actions, or the truthfulness, legality, and effectiveness of the Third-Party Services.

INFSHOPS does not guarantee the availability of Third-Party Services and cannot be held responsible for any interruptions, temporary access suspensions, or prohibitions on access to any Third-Party Services. INFSHOPS recommends that you thoroughly evaluate the availability and reliability of Third-Party Services before using or relying on them to ensure they meet your needs. Particularly when subscribing to fee-based services with no set time or usage limits, be cautious of the risk that the services may be discontinued.

Your use of any Third-Party Services provided through INFSHOPS Experts, Experts Marketplace, or INFSHOPS's website is entirely at your own risk and discretion. Before using these Third-Party Services, you are responsible for reading the terms and conditions and privacy policies applicable to them. In some cases, INFSHOPS may receive revenue sharing from third-party vendors recommended to you by INFSHOPS or from third-party vendors you engage with through the use of services, INFSHOPS Experts, Experts Marketplace, or INFSHOPS's website.

You acknowledge and agree that INFSHOPS will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other damages arising from any contractual relationship between you and any third-party service provider (including any experts).

14. Privacy and Data Protection

INFSHOPS is committed to firmly protecting the privacy of your and your customers' personal information. By using this service, you acknowledge and agree that INFSHOPS's collection, use, and disclosure of such personal information are governed by the INFSHOPS Privacy Statement (detailed in the INFSHOPS Privacy Statement).

1.Compliance with Privacy Laws: a. INFSHOPS, acting solely as your service provider, processes customer data and personal information. INFSHOPS will not collect, retain, use, or disclose such data for any purpose other than the obligations under this agreement, unless permitted by privacy laws, including the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and other applicable privacy and data protection laws (collectively referred to as "Privacy Laws"). In any case, INFSHOPS will not "sell" (as defined by Privacy Laws) any such personal information. b. INFSHOPS will not collect, use, retain, disclose, sell, or otherwise use your customer data or personal information for its own commercial purposes or in a manner that does not comply with the CCPA or other privacy laws. c. INFSHOPS will limit the collection, use, retention, and disclosure of personal information to activities that are reasonable, necessary, and appropriate for providing the services specified in this agreement or for purposes compatible with this agreement.

2.Exercising Personal Information Rights: a. INFSHOPS will reasonably cooperate and assist you in fulfilling your compliance obligations under the CCPA and Privacy Laws, responding to inquiries related to the CCPA, including responding to verifiable consumer requests. INFSHOPS will provide you with the ability to exercise the rights of data subjects in a manner consistent with the functionality and role of its own services. b. If INFSHOPS receives data requests from customers, requiring the exercise of one or more rights under privacy laws related to the service, INFSHOPS will directly send the data request to you. You are responsible for responding to your customers' requests, and INFSHOPS will assist you in responding to such data subject requests. c. If INFSHOPS receives any complaints, notices, or communications directly or indirectly related to you involving privacy laws, INFSHOPS will promptly notify you.